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About Us

Chaotically Balanced is a concept that always resonated with us – maintaining balance in all things within the chaos of life. This concept, this idea is what fueled the name Chaotically Balanced. The flip side is also true, introducing a little chaos into balance to invoke change. Our podcast encompasses this idea. We are just a group of friends that decided to share our adventures – technical difficulties, life interruptions, and everything in-between. After all, running a podcast where everyone is virtual, with different setups, has its own challenges. Nevertheless, we are happy to bring some positivity and joy through our adventures and hope that you enjoy watching and listening. 

Being the founder of Chaotically Balanced, I (Alex) also manage and live with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Where some see chaos, there is mainly balance within our mind. We aim to be a positive force in this crazy world and want to help people. While we manage many facets of what we produce, create, and share; we want to continue to expand and help bring light to mental health in general. We especially want to help spread information and knowledge about mental health disorders – especially Dissociative Identity Disorder. Everyone has to start somewhere, so we have started small with aims to expand and grow.

On a more personal note, we are happily married to our wife Courtney. We have the best daughter ever, and plenty of fur-babies (and even one without fur). We grew up in the northeastern United States and have a passion for all things gaming and IT. We also enjoy sharing information and helping other learn and grow. In addition to our creative ambitions here, we also have a day job where we create content around teaching people various topics, mainly focused on how to do specific processes or how to use certain pieces of software. Hopefully, we are able to bring a smile to your face, maybe the occasional tear, and many many laughs.

Thanks for coming to our Ted Talk and we will see you during our next episode!